One way to get extra money to keep your business running is through a merchant cash advance. With these deals, you get a lump sum payment in exchange for some of your future credit card sales.
While a merchant cash advance has a few nice benefits as a source of financing, it also has some serious disadvantages that you need to consider.
Fast Payments
With a merchant cash advance, you get your money fast. After you submit your application, you should receive your advance within a week. Some companies pay as quickly as within 48 hours. In comparison, it takes several months to get money through a bank loan. When you’re in a financial jam and don’t have time to wait, a merchant cash advance could be your way out.
Easy to Qualify
As a small business, it’s very easy to qualify for a merchant cash advance. Some companies only need to see the past records of your credit sales; they want to make sure your business is making enough to pay off the advance. You’ll likely need to have averaged
at least $3,000 a month in credit card sales over the past 6 months to qualify. In addition, companies may also want to review your credit history and ask for your plan for the money. Overall, this is a much easier process than a bank loan."
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